Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Reluctant Student of Internet Security


I have spent the majority of my time since August 28th, 2007, educating myself on what I have come to believe is the most significant issue facing the Internet today, that being security. Prior to August 28th, my belief was that security was an issue that one could safely leave to the experts, and contented myself with exercising common sense; e.g., not opening emails sent from people I didn't know, and sticking to safe sites. Today, my view on security is that an individual needs to be actively putting energy into securing their presence on the Internet. Remaining in ignorant bliss about matters of Internet security can and likely will negatively impact you, if you maintain a presence of any note on the world wide web.

This blog is dedicated to the discussion of security on a practical level. Please feel free to comment on your own experiences, to the extent you can without jeopardizing your own security. My contributions will likely cover a diverse set of topics, but will remain within the realm of my own experience and knowledge. There is much I need to learn, and certainly more to learn than will ever permit me to claim to have some deep insight into the topic; however, I think the effort of bringing articles on security matters to readers of a like mind will benefit both my readers and myself.

Welcome to my new blog where you will hopefully find thought provoking and action oriented articles on matters of security that may not make for exciting reading, but will always be written with the intent to keep you and I safer while enjoying the liberties afforded to us by the Internet. As soon as I dust off the place I'll adorn the blog with high value links to experts in the field. You can also look forward to code, written in a variety of languages, to serve as gateways into your own education on the specific topics of firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

If you care to know more details on what brought about my new found interest in security matters, you can pop on over to Scheme from the Florida Keys where I wrote a few naive articles on what was happening at that time.

Happy Holidays,


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